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Below are the rules that everyone must observe during skating sessions. We ask you to read them carefully with your children and to respect them so that everything runs smoothly and safely.


  •  Skating outfit or sportswear must be worn. Pants must not hang down to the ankle and must be tight on the skate. Jeans are not allowed. The Gadbois FSC sweaters are mandatory for CanSkate at a cost of $25.

  •   A CSA certified helmets must be worn until  the  successful completion of the badge 5, in the CanSkate program.

  •     Skaters must use the rooms and not the stands to put on their skates.

  •     The use of mobile phones on the ice is prohibited, except when the coach is using it to film the skater.

  •     Parents must remain in the stands during their children's lessons.

  •     Ice access doors must be closed at all times. Parents must not open the rink doors under any circumstances. For safety reasons, we ask skaters to remain on the ice during practice.

  •     Skaters may only skate if they have paid for their ice time. Coaches must ensure that their skaters are registered for the skating block.

  •     It is forbidden to chew gum or eat on the ice.

  • A bottle of water is permitted during private lessons. No hot drinks are allowed on the ice.

  • Hair must be tied back.

  •     Gadbois FSC is not responsible for ice time cancelled during the season by the City of Montreal. Time lost due to events beyond the control of the Gadbois FSC cannot be reimbursed.

  •     Gadbois FSC and Board members are not responsible for lost or stolen items. Found objects will be deposited in a bin located in the FSC  premises or given to an arena supervisor.

  •   Gadbois FSC is not responsible for accidents that occur outside of its scheduled hours of use. Skate Canada insures all skaters who are members and registered at the Gadbois FSC for the season.

  •     Discipline is mandatory on the ice and in the rooms at all times. No loitering will be tolerated on the ice or in the rooms. A skater will be excluded from the ice for a class session if he/she disrespects a peer, a member of the CPA or a member of the arena.

  •     After two (2) warnings for failure to comply with the rules, the skater will have a written notice sent to his/her parents and a disciplinary decision will be taken by the FSC committee without reimbursement to the parents.

  •     Parents must have paid all fees no later than October 20, 2023.

  • The skater and his/her parents agree to follow the rules at all time.

 Parents can choose the coach of their choice for their child's private lessons. The price per hour of private lessons charged by each coach is at their discretion and commensurate with their level of expertise. It is not managed by the FSC Board. The members of the  Gadbois board cannot favour one coach over another, but they can help parents by providing them with the coaches' contact information.


 Have a great skating season!                                                                                                                                                    Your Gadbois FSC Board of Directors